A 1,300-year-old gold dagger -John Myers, OI

A 1,300-year-old gold dagger
Islamic Gold Dinar Threatens Dollar -John Myers

Jan 07, 2004

Outstanding Investments Special Report

A 1,300-year-old gold dagger may soon plunge deep into America's financial heart!

Intelligence data, extracted through aggressive interrogation of al Qaeda operatives at Guantamano Bay Military Base, confirms a massive economic terror attack by radical Islam is under way.

And while the cold-blooded atrocities of Sept.11 were horrific, al Qaeda's new plot could send the U.S. economy into an absolute death spiral!

There isn't much time. Let me explain...

Islam was founded around A.D.700. And from the very beginning, Muslims used a gold coin called a Gold Dinar as their form of money. The Gold Dinar remained the official Islamic currency until the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1924... when it disappeared for 77 years.

But on Nov. 7, 2001 -- less than two months after the TERROR STRIKES of Sept. 11 -- the Islamic Dinar was officially re-launched by the Islamic Mint in West Malaysia and is now available to the public.

Although a beautiful coin, the Gold Dinar posses a DEADLY threat to the U.S. economy! In fact, its supporters believe the Gold Dinar will become the official currency of more than 1.5 BILLION Muslims worldwide. And radical Islam is urging Muslims worldwide to drop the U.S. Dollar and adopt the Gold Dinar as their primary currency!

Why? They are determined for the Gold Dinar to bring about the DEMISE of the U.S. dollar!

Almost nobody has caught on to this yet. But the attack is very real!

In fact, since the reissue of the Gold Dinar in November 2001, the U.S. Dollar has dropped to a RECORD LOW against the euro... while the price of gold has SOARED from about $280 per ounce to an 8-year RECORD HIGH of over $410 per ounce!

And this is just the beginning!

As the dollar continues to drop, the already shaky stock market is nearly certain to crash. Unprepared investors could lose BILLIONS!

It's no coincidence that Osama bin Laden chose to strike the World Trade Center on Sept. 11... Why? Because, the World Trade Center represents the heart and soul of the U.S. economy. And destroying the U.S. economy is the main pillar of bin Laden's strategy to bring down the United States.

Look: Bin Laden runs al Qaeda like a Fortune 500 corporation. And he is VERY aware of the U.S. financial situation. He understands our vulnerabilities and how to exploit our current economic situation.

Just take a look at this statement from bin Laden himself, posted on the Al Jazeera Arab News Web site from Oct. 19, 2003:

"My congratulations to you on your blessed efforts and jihad.

"You have indeed slaughtered the enemy and have pleased the hearts of all Muslims, particularly the Palestinian people. You will be rewarded by God the Almighty. Thank you for your jihad and may God help you.

"...[America has] a budget deficit for the third consecutive year. This year, the deficit reached a record peak of more than US $4.5 billion.

"Praise be to Allah."

As despicable as he is, bin Laden is very financially sophisticated. He knows that the U.S. is struggling with a huge trade deficit -- AND a huge budget deficit. And he realizes the U.S. dollar is weak and getting weaker all the time. That's why attacking the U.S. dollar -- and sending the U.S. financial markets into a violent plunge -- is at the center of his plan!

And bin Laden isn't alone is his scheme to crush the U.S. economy! In fact, he's trained thousands of militant jihad warriors to carry out his evil plot... even if he is captured tomorrow!

Make no mistake: Radical Islam wants to destroy the U.S. economy with every single ounce of hate in their bodies. And now, the Gold Dinar gives them a powerful way to send the U.S. dollar -- the ultimate symbol of American wealth and economic prowess -- crashing!

Can radical Islam convince Muslims to use the Gold Dinar instead of the U.S. dollar? You better believe it!

Look: If bin Laden can convince desperate people to strap on DYNAMITE and blow themselves to bits in the name of Allah, you can be ABSOLUTELY certain radical Islam can convince people to trade in U.S. paper dollars for real gold!

Why? It's pretty simple...

The Muslim World Is ANGRY at the United States -- And It's Not Just the Terrorists!

Many Muslims believe that the United States is responsible for the enormous devastation suffered by hundreds of millions of Muslims during the Asian Currency Crisis of 1997. This ANGER will provide a powerful incentive for Muslims to get even with the United States by selling dollars and buying Islamic Gold Dinars.

Just take a look at this quote from the Islamic Mint Web site:

"... he heard the Messenger of Allah say: "'A time is certainly coming over mankind in which there will be nothing [left] which will be of use save a dinar...'"
-- Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

I think it's obvious. These folks don't just want the dollar to drop, they want the U.S. dollar to disappear. Permanently!

And just listen to what Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed had to say:

"If we want to avoid being short-changed we must have a currency that has intrinsic value... If we want to protect ourselves we must evolve our own payment system, our own trading currency."

Let me read between the lines for you: Mohammed believes that the U.S. financial system is responsible for the Asian Currency Crisis of 1997. And he is urging Muslims to drop the dollar and use the Gold Dinar.

SOURCE: Outstanding Investments

REQUEST YOUR FREE 2004 GOLD RUSH KIT to understand why gold ownership is your best protection against financial terrorism in 2004. (a $25 Value!)
Read more about the Gold Dinar at SwissAmerica.com.
Read more by John Myers at SwissAmerica.com

DISCLAIMER: All of the information in this story is believed to be true, however errors are possible.
Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. All investments have risk. -SATC

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