The Inflation Deception

Executive Summary

The Inflation Deception
Six Ways Government Tricks Us...and Seven Ways to Stop It!
Craig R. Smith
Lowell Ponte

InflationDeception Welcome to the Inflatocracy - our new form of government of, by and for inflation - in which deliberately debasing our money has become a primary tool of social engineering, drug-like mind manipulation, wealth redistribution, secret taxation and political power.

The Inflation Deception is used by Washington Inflatocrats to pick the pockets not only of Americans but also of Germans, Chinese, Brazilians and South Africans - imposing a hidden tax on people around the world who trust paper U.S. Dollars as the world's Reserve Currency.

This concealed global tax effectively makes inflation America's #1 export, driving up the cost of food and fuel to the world's poor and hungry to feed our politicians' power-mad addiction to stratospheric spending.

The Inflatocracy, and the huge welfare state it makes possible, have brought the United States and millions of Americans to the brink of bankruptcy.

In THE INFLATION DECEPTION monetary expert Craig R. Smith, the Founder and Chairman of Swiss America Trading Corporation, and former think tank futurist and veteran investigative reporter Lowell Ponte team up again to track down how the Inflatocracy has taken over our government and explore ways we the people can take back our country.

Craig and Lowell offer three political and three financial ways to restore a free and prosperous America, and one personal way you can save your life savings and protect your family from the worsening economic "Obamalaise" and approaching inflation tsunami that now threaten to overwhelm America and the world economy.

The experienced duo explored how we got here in their widely-praised 2010 book Crashing the Dollar: How to Survive a Global Currency Collapse.

Their savvy new book The Inflation Deception goes even farther and deeper, bringing together hundreds of experts and documents to expose the shocking and surprising ways inflation has been turned into a new kind of governance to control and reshape our lives and, in President Barack's Obama's ominous promise, to "fundamentally transform" the United States.

Yet for all its expertise, this book is a heart-pounding page-turner of a detective story as Craig and Lowell track down how a hard-working American family, Ryan and Peggy and their two children, have been robbed and pushed to the edge of ruin by the Inflation Deception.

This is not dry, dull economics. The Inflation Deception boils with sinister intrigue and danger, especially when readers look in their bathroom mirror and suddenly recognize that this is not fiction.

We all are Ryan and Peggy. We all are being robbed by forces that are destroying our and our children's future - and are bringing down America's once-high-flying eagle with a deadly weapon of green-colored pieces of paper.

Lead author Craig R. Smith's warning to readers to fasten their seat belts is warranted. This book is vastly more far-ranging and eye-opening than most books you have ever read about money, investing or economic policy. It is, as Smith writes, "an amazing journey through empowering information and horizon-expanding ideas."

If you read The Inflation Deception, Smith rightly warns, "you will never again see inflation or money the way you do now."

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