There’s only One option to reduce the debt, report shows

There’s only One option to reduce the debt, report shows

According to a study that was released by the Committee for Responsible Federal Budget, America only has one presidential option if it wants to lower its national debt. Three of the four GOP contenders' fiscal proposals would likely increase the federal debt, leaving Rep. Ron Paul and this only one who's proposal might trim the government's debt.

By Joel McDurmon
Feb 24, 2012
American Vision News

According to a study released by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget—a bi-partisan organization “committed to educating the public about issues that have significant fiscal policy impact”—America has only one presidential option if it truly wants to lower its national debt.

The Wall Street Journal reports,

While Republican presidential candidates are campaigning against President Barack Obama’s deficit-laden budgets, a new report concludes that three of the four contenders’ fiscal proposals would likely increase the federal debt.

Only Texas Rep. Ron Paul has offered detailed plans that might trim the government’s burgeoning debt, according to an analysis released Thursday by the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

CNN reports,

Newt Gingrich’s economic plan would do a lot of things. But reducing the debt and balancing the federal budget aren’t among them.

Same goes for Rick Santorum’s and Mitt Romney’s economic plans.

Indeed, a preliminary analysis by the independent Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget released Thursday estimates that the three candidates’ plans could add between $250 billion and $7 trillion of debt over the next nine years.

By contrast, the proposals of Ron Paul could reduce the debt by $2.2 trillion, the group estimated.

CNN is so scared that it may have actually leaked the truth that it included a video at the bottom of its article attacking Paul’s plan as “radical”: just look at the huge cuts! wow! and thousands of government employees laid off! OMG, imagine that!

But the report makes it clear: there’s only one option.

That’s right, the budget hawks’ own budget hawks show that Paul’s Plan to Restore America is the only political platform available that will reduce the national debt. Paul. Only Paul.

But you wouldn’t know that from reading the press coverage of this report.

Not one major outlet covering the story—and most of them covered it—focuses on the standout Ron Paul; all focus on the increased debts of the other three as if saying “look the Republicans are no better than Obama.” Check out some of the headlines:

“Report says Candidates’ plans boost federal debt” – Wall Street Journal

“Report: Debt will swell under top GOP hopefuls’ tax plans” – Washington Post

“Debt Boosted Under Leading Republicans’ Plans” – Businessweek

Notice how they’re qualified so as to ignore Paul legitimately. We’re only talking about “top” GOP hopefuls, and “Leading” Republicans. Right.

Heck, even the study’s own “wonk” ignored the results of her own study. She said at the release, “I don’t expect Republicans to raise taxes. But one definition of responsibility is to see if you can reform the tax system in a way that doesn’t make things worse. And on that score, all these candidates fail.”

But how does a plan that slashes the debt by over two trillion dollars “make things worse”? How can such a plan be called a failure—especially when it’s the only plan available at all that will reduce the debt? And the fact that Paul can do it without raising taxes should be something to trumpet across every headline in the world—not to ignore and lump with the rest of the failures.

America, if you’re really serious about reducing our threatening national debt, if you’re really serious about fiscal conservatism and not saddling your own children with debts that will lead to social chaos, radical inflation, poverty, and/or war in their lifetime, then wake up now: you’ve only got one option.

You’ve only got one option, and you’ve only got one chance to take it.

If you don’t think America can wind up on fire like Greece, just compare the numbers:

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